Automation is our heart of manufacturing, through automation and smart manufacturing, HCMF continues to eliminate waste in our production process and become more efficient. Our product traceability collects key assembly data throughout manufactirung processes, record steps of manufacture products, trace batch of incoming materials and production cycle time. HCMF has in-house Automation Department to design production lines and plan layouts for facility to improve productivity.
Big Data
Mobile Control
Cloud Management
Advanced Scheduling
System Integration
Digitized Production Management
Control System
HCMF has dedicated in achiving smart factory managment system that unites all production managments, facilitate data insights, foster management intelligence and automate control. This system utilizes mobile devices, sensors, smart control system and industrial robots to strengthen digitization of management and material flow as well as equipment automation and integration across full system.
The ultimate goal is to fulfill customers' requirements for reliable quality, timing and delivery, while improving our ability and ensuring tracibility, continuous improvement and various management needs.